2024年 8/30北京山西內蒙11日(Beijing、Shanxi、Inner Mongolia)




D01  30AUG 吉隆坡/北京/呼和浩特   CA-872(0010/0635)+轉機CA-1111(1420/1600)
D11  09SEP 北京/吉隆坡     CA-871(1620/2300)








30AUG(五) 吉隆坡(CA872(0010/0635)/北京轉機CA1111(1420/1600)/ 呼和浩特 接機後晚餐→夜遊塞上老街;英文:After the airport dinner → night tour on the old street

  • 呼和浩特16:00抵達後,接機,開始行程~


    【Saishang Old Street 】
    Saishang Old Street is located near Dazhao Temple on Danan Street, Hohhot City. It is an ancient street with Ming and Qing architectural styles. It was built in Dazhao during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. There is a side street on the west side of the gate, and an archway is erected. It is called Saishang Old Street. The old street is actually not old. Saishang Old Street is a street that the city government spent two years renovating and reflecting the highlights of the historical and cultural city.

  • 早餐:自理
  • 午餐:自理
  • 晚餐:(暫訂)麥香村燒麥

31AUG(六) 呼和浩特/希拉穆仁草原/呼和浩特(BUS往返3H) 呼和浩特→希拉穆仁大草原(馬隊迎接下馬酒、漠南傳奇秀、古列延牧場體驗牧民生活)→呼和浩特;英文:Hohhot → Xilamuren Grassland (the horse team welcomes the wine and experiences the herdsmen's life in Guliyan Ranch) → Hohhot

  • 希拉穆仁大草原(馬隊迎接下馬酒、漠南傳奇秀、古列延牧場體驗牧民生活)


    【Xilamuren Grassland】
    The Shilamuren grassland is a typical desertified grassland. Hiramuren Mongolian means “yellow river”, commonly known as “Zhaohe”, named after the Qing Dynasty Lama called the “Puhui Temple” on the banks of the Xilamuren River. When you come here for sightseeing, you can also go horse riding, take a camel, enjoy the folk songs and dances, participate in a bonfire party, taste the delicious grassland flavors, and experience the cultural atmosphere of the Mongolian people.

  • 【蒙古宮廷詐瑪宴】

  • 溫馨提醒:

  • 早餐:酒店內Buffet
  • 午餐:(暫訂)草原烤全羊風味含儀式(備註:9月份詐馬宴在晚餐安排居多)
  • 晚餐:(暫訂)阿健食尚海鮮肥牛

01SEP(日) 呼和浩特/包頭(BUS 2.5H) 呼和浩特(昭君博物院、大召寺、五塔寺、哈素海(含遊船))→包頭(備註:昭君博物院昭屬於墓葬類文化景區,無地宮);英文:Hohhot (Zhaojun Museum, Dazhao Temple, Five Pagoda Temple, Hasuhai (including cruise boat)) → Baotou

  • 呼和浩特(昭君博物院、大召寺、五塔寺)

    位於呼和浩特市區以南約9公里處,是以昭君墓為核心、以及匈奴文化博物館、單于大帳、和親宮、昭君紀念館等部分組成。 遊客在這裡遊玩,可以詳細瞭解著名的「昭君出塞」的歷史故事,以及「四大美女」之一的王昭君的生平事跡。
    Zhaojun Museum is located about nine kilometers south of Hohhot City. It is comprised of the Xiongnu Culture Museum, the Zhaojun Tomb, the Qin Palace, and the Zhaojun Memorial Hall. Here, you can learn the life story and impact of Wang Zhaojun, one of the four great classic beauties of Chinese history. Zhaojun Tomb is the core attraction of this scenic spot, built during the Western Han Dynasty sometime before 0 AD. As the tomb is covered with grass year-round, it is also called the Qing Tomb by the locals. It is an important local attraction of Hohhot Cty.


    是一座藏傳佛教寺院,也是蒙古地區藏傳佛教的發源地。 五塔寺的南面面對五塔寺廣場,入口也在此處。 五塔寺佈局是典型的漢族的中軸線特色,中軸線南北走向,兩邊嚴格對稱。 寺內共分為三個院落,分別是最南邊的三世佛殿院,中間的文化展院和最北邊的慈燈寺院,其中最後一個院落又分為南北兩個部分。

  • 【敕勒川文化旅遊區哈素海】(含遊船)

    Hasuhai is the abbreviation of Halawusuhai in Mongolian, which means black water lake. It is an oxbow lake left by the change of the Yellow River and is an outflow freshwater lake of the Daheihe River system. Hubei is the Daqingshan Mountain, which is surrounded by farmland and pastures on the east, south and west sides, and is known as the "West Lake outside the Great Wall". The water depth is about 2 meters, the bottom of the lake is overgrown with weeds, and the water quality is fertile. Various birds breed in the reeds on the lake surface, hovering over the vast lake surface when taking off in the sky, forming a very spectacular picture. Every spring and summer, the lake water is crystal clear, different types of small fish swim freely, and all kinds of birds hover on the vast lake surface, flickering in the reeds, which makes people wonder. There is a reservoir and a fishing ground in the lake. Tourist boats are set up for tourists to enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains, and they can taste fresh fish on the boat.

  • 早餐:酒店內Buffet
  • 午餐:(暫訂)西貝蓧面
  • 晚餐:(暫訂)小肥羊火鍋

02SEP(一) 包頭/七星湖景區(BUS 2.5H)包頭(賽罕塔拉生態園)→七星湖景區(沙漠日落、沙漠觀星);英文:Baotou (Genghis Khan Grassland Ecological Park) →Qixing Lake Desert Ecological Park

  • 【包頭(賽罕塔拉生態園)】
    Genghis Khan Grassland Ecological Park

    enghis Khan Grassland Ecological Park, also known as Saihantala Ecological Park, which means "beautiful grassland" in Mongolian. The special thing about Saihantara is that it is a grassland in a city. Without traveling for hundreds of miles, people in the city can experience a rough, bold and comfortable life in addition to the busy urban life. The prairie ethnic customs of singing and dancing. There are a large number of hares, pheasants and various migratory birds in the ecological park. Grass and trees form a natural sparse forest and grassland landscape. Every year on the 17th day of the eighth lunar month, a sacrificial obo ceremony will be held here. Every time the shepherd passes through the bag, he has to put a few stones on the bag; before the guests arrive at the bag, they usually go around the bag clockwise for three times according to Mongolian customs, and at the same time make a wish in their heart, and add stones on the bag to seek their wishes. be compensated. Generally, 3, 6, and 9 stones are thrown, representing Liuliu Dashun or auspiciousness.

  • 七星湖景區(沙漠日落、沙漠觀星)

    Qixing Lake Desert Ecological Park
    Qixing Lake Desert Ecological Park is situated in the hinterland of the Kubuqi Desert in Hanggin Banner, Erdos City. It is a clear water field in the vast desert. The seven lakes line up like the Triones, and this is why the lake is called Qixing lake (seven-star lake). There are a variety of birds inhabiting the lake, including thousands of larus relictuses, a kind of bird protected at the first-class national level. The natural landscapes such as the sand sea, sand hills and lakes are preserved here, and visitors can enjoy the comfort of nature here. Whether it is climbing the sand hill to enjoy the lake view, or watching the sunset in the desert by the lake, you will enjoy the scene that is not seen in the city.

  • 早餐:酒店內Buffet
  • 午餐:(暫訂)賽罕塔拉蒙古大營
  • 晚餐:(暫訂)七星湖景區餐廳

03SEP(二) 七星湖景區/鄂爾多斯(BUS 2H)七星湖景區(套票含:盧浮生態園、知青館、朔方古城、沙峰綠穀、敖包神樹、胡楊林、怪樹林、生態湖泊觀光、庫布其文化展示中心、絲綢之路館、恐龍穀、遊船、越野車沖沙、滑沙、沙漠之眼摩天輪、骑骆驼)→鄂爾多斯;英文:Qixing Lake Desert Ecological Park (Lufu Ecological Park, Education Youth Pavilion, Shuofang Ancient City, Shafeng Green Valley, Aobao Sacred Tree, poplar forest, strange forest, ecological lake sightseeing, Kubuqi Cultural Exhibition Center, Silk Road Pavilion, Dinosaur Valley, cruise ship, off-road vehicle sand, sand skiing, Desert Eye Ferris wheel) → Ordos

  • 七星湖景區套票

  • 早餐:酒店內Buffet
  • 午餐:(暫訂)七星湖景區餐廳
  • 晚餐:(暫訂)賀福記農家風味
  • 五星鄂爾多斯皇冠假日酒店(Shangri-la Ningbo)
  • 0477-8380888

04SEP(三) 鄂爾多斯/朔州(BUS 5H)鄂爾多斯(成吉思汗陵(含單程電瓶車)、康巴什新區)→朔州;英文:Ordos (Mausoleum of Genghis Khan, Kangbashi New District) → Shuozhou

  • 【成吉思汗陵(含單程電瓶車)】

    【Mausoleum of Genghis Khan】
    he Mausoleum of Genghis Khan is near the town of Yijinhuoluo, Ordos City. It is the site holing the clothing and tombs of a proud son of heaven, Genghis Khan. It is a mausoleum guarded by the people of Daerhute for hundreds of years. Entering the gate of the scenic spot, you find the grand gatehouse and the bronze statue of Genghis Khan. Ahead is the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan. Milky walls, vermilion doors and windows, golden roof and blue clouds are very characteristic of Mongolia.

  • 【康巴什新區】

    【Kangbashi New District】
    Ordos's Kangbashi New District as a whole was designated a national 4A-level scenic site by the national tourism authority in 2012, making it the only city in the country to receive such an honor. The district of “Kangbashi”, a Mongolia word for “outstanding teachers”, serves as a model of how a city can develop into a modern one in a short period of time. Located in the southern part of the central Ordos Plateau, the district is the center of finance, politics, culture, technology and education for Ordos.

  • 早餐:酒店內Buffet
  • 午餐:(暫訂)朗景餐廳
  • 晚餐:(暫訂)晉北會館

05SEP(四) 朔州/寧武/太原(BUS 6H) 朔州→寧武(萬年冰洞(含電瓶車)、懸空村)→太原;英文: Ice Cave, Shanxi Ningwu→Hanging Vilage

  • 【萬年冰洞(含電瓶車)】
    冰洞形成於新生代第四紀冰川期,距今約三百萬年,故名萬年冰洞。 該冰洞位列全國一萬多個洞穴中僅有的九個冰洞之首。 洞內製冷機制最強、冰儲量最多,現開發近百米。 已開發部分分三層,有冰簾、冰鍾、冰花、冰人、冰菩薩等,不一而足。

    【Ice Cave, Shanxi Ningwu】
    Ice Cave is located in Chunjingqi Town, not far from Ningwu County, Shanxi. The cave was formed in the quaternary glaciation, three million years ago and thus named the Million-year Ice Cave National Geopark. There is a strong cooling mechanism within the cave, leading to ice reserves that are nearly 100 meters deep.

  • 【懸空村】


    【Hanging Vilage 】
    Perched on a cliff at an elevation of over 2,300 meters in Ningwu County in north China's Shanxi Province, Wanghuagou Village was dubbed the "hanging village" by local people.
    The steep terrain and scanty arable land had once hampered the hard-to-reach village, condemning locals to a long battle with poverty. Today, thanks to improved infrastructure and connectivity, the village is thriving due to tourism.

  • 早餐:酒店內Buffet
  • 午餐:(暫訂)蘆芽山國際酒店
  • 晚餐:(暫訂)河東頤祥閣

06SEP(五) 太原(BUS 1.5H區間車程) 太原(晉祠、天龍山石窟(含區間公交巴士));英文:Jinci Temple→Tianlongshan Grottoes

  • 【晉祠】Jinci Temple
    原名為晉王祠,初名唐叔虞祠,是為紀念晉國開國諸侯唐叔虞(后被追封為晉王)及母后邑姜后而建。 其文化遺產價值獨特,是中國現存最早的皇家園林,為晉國宗祠。 祠內有幾十座古建築,具有漢文化特色。 晉祠是集中國古代祭祀建築、園林、雕塑、壁畫、碑刻藝術為一體的唯一而珍貴的歷史文化遺產,也是世界建築、園林、雕刻藝術中心。
    The three victories are the best in Jinyang, and the victory of Jinyang is all in Jin's. "Jinci Shengjing, the beauty is in the four seasons, and the beauty is more beautiful in the golden
    autumn. Jinci Temple located in the suspension mountain, 25 kilometers southwest of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, is aprecious historical and cultural heritage integrating ancient
    Chinese architecture, gardens, sculptures, murals, and inscription art.

    【天龍山石窟(含區間公交巴士)】Tianlongshan Grottoes
    石窟分佈在天龍山東西兩峰的懸崖腰部,有東魏,北齊、隋、唐開鑿的24個洞窟,東峰八窟,西峰十三窟,山北3窟。 共存石窟造像1500餘尊,浮雕、藻井、畫像1144幅。 天龍山石窟以技巧的成熟、飽滿、洗練和表現感情的細緻,接近勞動者的生活氣息,以濃厚的民族性和地方性為其特色,以「小而精」著稱。
    The Tianlongshan Grottoes are caves located in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China, that are notable for the Buddhist temples located within them. The temple complex spans two mountains: there are eight grottoes on the eastern mountain and 13 on the western mountain. The complex was constructed over a number of centuries, from the northern Qi dynasty until the Tang dynasty, and contains Buddhist art of high historic importance. The majority of the caves date to the Tang dynasty.Have been designated by the government as a Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level.

  • 早餐:酒店內Buffe
  • 午餐:(暫訂)林香齋
  • 晚餐:(暫訂)山西會館麵食風味

07SEP(六) 太原/北京(動車+BUS 2H) 動車參考時間:G62次(0830/1056)) 太原→(動車一等座)→北京→古北(夜遊司馬台長城(含纜車上下));英文:From Taiyuan Take High→speed Train(First-class Seat) To Beijing→Simatai Great Wall at Night(Include Cable Car Up and Down)

  • 動車車次時間參考
    太原→北京 G62次(0830/1056)

  • 【夜遊司馬台長城(含纜車上下)】
    Simatai Great Wall at Night(Include Take a Cable Car to Go Up and Down)

    Among the many sections of the Great Wall, Simatai is the only one that opens to tourists at night, excluding the unattended wild Great Wall sections. It is located by Gubei Water Town in suburban Beijing, about 120 km (75 mi) from the downtown area. Different from others, Simatai well preserves the original appearance of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall, so that you will have a chance to appreciate the most authentic Great Wall here.

  • 早餐:酒店內Buffet
  • 午餐:(暫訂)玉林烤鴨店
  • 晚餐:(暫訂)古北水鎮燒肉館

08SEP(日) 古北/金山嶺(BUS 0.5H) 古北(古北水鎮)→金山嶺(金山嶺長城(含纜車上下));英文:Gubei Water Town→Jinshanling Great Wall(Include Cable Car Up and Down)

  • 【古北水鎮】Gubei Water Town
    Gubei Water Town is located on the northeast side of Miyun County in Beijing. It is about 140 kilometers from the Beijing Municipality. Regarded as 'Wuzhen in Beijing', Gubei Water Town boasts a combination of mountains, water and ancient villages. The town was built on the foundations of five sub natural villages of Simatai Village at the foot of Simatai Great Wall, the most dangerous and majestic section of the entire Great Wall. Visitors may indulge in hot springs, local cuisine, and take a hike up Simatai Great Wall, making this town a great choice for a relaxing getaway in the suburbs of Beijing.

  • 【金山嶺長城(含纜車上下)】
    Jinshanling Great Wall(Include Take a Cable Car to Go Up and Down)
    位於承德市灤平縣與北京市密雲縣交界處,是由明朝名將徐達、戚繼光相繼主持修築改建的長城。金山嶺長城有3絕:障牆、文字磚和擋馬石;這長城視野開闊、敵樓密集、四季景色都極美的長城,之前還出現在央視CCTV新聞連播片頭,是現存保存最完好的明朝長城,有『萬里長城, 金山獨秀』之美譽。
    Jinshanling Great Wall stands at the border between Luanping County of Chengde City and Miyun County of Beijing. It is named after the large and small Jinshan between Wuling Peak of Yanshan Mountain and Gubeikou Wohu Ridge. This section of the Great Wall was built along the foothills and offers a broad view. It is a beautiful, magnificent part of the Great Wall dating from the Ming Dynasty. Compared with other parts of the Great Wall, it maintains its well-preserved original appearance—simple and pure, quiet and peaceful. It is an excellent choice for visiting the Great Wall near Beijing.

  • 早餐:酒店內Buffet
  • 午餐:(暫訂)司馬缸酒樓
  • 晚餐:(暫訂)金山嶺長城大酒店中餐廳

09SEP(一) 金山嶺/北京(BUS 1.5H) CA871(1620/2300)吉隆坡 金山嶺→北京(雍和宫)→吉隆坡;英文: Yonghe Temple

  • 【雍和宮】Yonghe Temple
    Yonghe Temple was once the residence of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, Emperor Yongzheng was the prince and had not yet stepped up to the throne. It is also the place where Emperor Qianlong, the son of Emperor Yongzheng, was born. Nowadays, Lama Temple is a well-known monastery of Tibetan Buddhism in Beijing. The incense often burns brightly. There are also many precious cultural relics in Lama Temple, such as the 500 Arhat Mountain carved out of sandalwood, the giant Buddha niche carved out of silkwood, and the 18-meter-high Buddha carved out of white sandalwood.

  • 午餐後,前往機場準備搭機返回溫暖的家,結束愉快的旅程~

  • 早餐:酒店內Buffet
  • 午餐:(暫訂)太熟悉家常菜或者大亨酒家
  • 返回溫暖的家



  • 住宿費以兩人一室為主,指定單人房時需另補房差人民幣4,700,且須於訂房確定前告知。
  • 請依訂房時之住房人數入住,若人數超額,飯店有權加收額外費用或拒絕入住。
  • 入住時請攜帶護照或身分證等證件,以便飯店查核登記。
  • 住宿費不包含飯店內的設施使用費、小費、客房服務費、部分國家特別稅金或其他私人消費支出。
  • 飯店內除吸菸房或吸菸區以外,請勿任意吸菸,依各飯店規定,將會有額外費用或罰鍰。
  • 入住請勿攜帶寵物,飯店可依相關規定加收費用或拒絕入住。
  • 未滿20歲之未成年人,不接受單獨訂房或單獨入住。
  • 若因不可抗力因素,須變更住宿,恕不另行通知,差價多退少補。



航空公司 航班 起飛地點 到達地點 起飛時間 抵達時間  
去程 中國國際航空CA CA-872 吉隆坡 北京首都T3  00:10 06:35  
(去轉機) 中國國際航空CA CA-1111 北京首都T2  呼和浩特 14:30 16:00  
回程 中國國際航空CA CA-871 北京首都T3  吉隆坡 16:20 23:00  


日期 車次 啟程車站 抵達車站 啟程時間 抵達時間 行車時間



北京local承保 :地接社旅責險(每次事故責任限額600/每次事故每人人身傷亡責任限額60)









